Thursday, January 7, 2010

An update from Leatherhead!

Finally, I've made it to my uncle's house!

It's quite late right now and I'm very tired, so I won't regale you all with the awful details of how I got here; suffice to say, US Airways finally just stuck us all on coaches and we drove south through the British Isles until we got to Gatwick about two hours ago. Now I'm happily tucked away in the room I've got to myself here, with a cup of tea and just enough energy to post some photographs before I turn in.

I have to say, I made some wonderful friends while I was stuck in Scotland. Pictured to the left are three awesome folks who also got stranded with me in Glasgow; Angie, her lovely hubby Mike, and Kohi, a Toronto native studying abroad for a semester in South England. We became sort of a quartet over the course of the past two days, keeping each other company and making sure we all stayed relatively chipper and upbeat despite the circumstances. I took this picture this morning at the Glynhill Hotel right before we boarded the coaches that took us to Glasgow Airport... where, obviously, we did not make out connecting flight to Gatwick.

Here's one of us all together, but I look pretty goofy. And my scarf doesn't match!

We got on the road to London at around 1:00pm, and I took a few snapshots of the countryside out the coach window:

These are a bit small, so I might post bigger resolution images tomorrow. Unfortunately I was facing the wrong way in the coach and so couldn't get any shots of the mountains, but they reminded me a lot of the way the Appalachian foothills cradle the Tennessee Valley back home.

We stopped at a few very nice service stations, and while browsing for munchies, Kohi and I stumbled across the weirdest food dish I've encountered thus far:

Very weird.

And on that note, I'm going to finish off my cup of tea and crawl into bed. Good night!


  1. Why did you not buy the pie?! It sounds AWESOME! Have you never had pork and apple sausages? Roast belly of pork with bramley apple sauce? *sobs*

    I want that piiiiiieeee! >:O *drools*

  2. Hahaha I don't have any pounds! All I've got are dollars and about 400NOK (which is much less than it sounds). I had to rely on the good will of some of the people I traveled with just to get some bottled water for the long bus ride back home. Didn't want to keep taking cash out of my bank account, I'll need that for Norway.

    Sorry I won't be able to see you while I'm here either. ): I fly out first thing tomorrow morning.
