Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Jeg heter Elisabeth. :D Jeg kommer fra Huntsville, Alabama, i USA. Jeg studerer engelsk litteratur og historie i UAH, og konservasjon på Oslo. Hvor kommer du fra? Hva studerer du?

That = the extent of my fluency in Norwegian, but it is better than nothing! Tomorrow I turn in my first homework assignment, and I'm curious to see just how well I'll do.

Tonight and yesterday night were pub nights with my group of friends, though tonight, admittedly, the main attraction was the residence hall pub quiz. My group, thanks in part to both Tim and Richard, was dubbed "The Frikandels," which is a particularly obnoxious looking Dutch food--but we came in second place over all! First prize was a collection of sweets, so I'm rather glad we didn't win; the last thing I need is candy, on top of the beer.

Hadet bra~ <3


  1. I do believe I understand what you've written there in Norwegian! :D

    Oh gosh golly gee Miss Elisabeth, it sounds like you're having the time of your life. *so jealous* Thank you for posting. c: It's so exciting to know you're doing something wonderful like this.

    Also: New Lackadaisy cats!

  2. I SAW <3 <3 <3 Hooray for Tracy Butler! Her talent is legion.

    And I am having a lovely time. Doesn't stop me from missing you folks, of course. How are you? Are you in Huntsville?
